LiveEO and AWS
Together we help unlock the power of Satellite Data for your business

Partnership with AWS
AWS enables the processing of massive amounts of satellite imagery data, covering entire countries within a day. As an APN technology partner, we scale our technology to deliver exceptional E2E results to our customers.

Partnership with AWS
AWS enables the processing of massive amounts of satellite imagery data, covering entire countries within a day. As an APN technology partner, we scale our technology to deliver exceptional E2E results to our customers.
Our customers face rapidly changing circumstances, requiring both flexibility and reactivity. With AWS, we can process data covering entire countries within a day.
At LiveEO we deal with heavy satellite data. By helping handle that load, AWS helps us quickly scaling our business globally, yet with contained costs.
We are glad to be part of AWS network, to benefit from its unique expertise with growth and scaling, and all the new opportunities it offers.